- LA.SC114.S4.f3
- File
- [ca. 1988]
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Laminated offprint featuring advertisement for Iskowitz's solo show at the Marisa del Re Gallery, New York.
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Series consists of a group of palettes gathered from the artist’s studio following his death.
Iskowitz, Gershon
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Series consists of three audiovisual items relating to Iskowitz’s career.
Iskowitz, Gershon
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Portfolio containing with text and images promoting the work of Iskowitz
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Hand-crafted book of matches, the cover of which is made from two photographs of a group seated at a banquet table (perhaps at the 1972 Venice Biennale?)
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Series consists of a condolence book from Benjamin’s Park Memorial Chapel, with signatures of mourners from the memorial on January 26, 1988.
Iskowitz, Gershon
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
One framed photograph of Iskowitz's family (parents and siblings). Date is estimated based on children's apparent age
[Gershon Iskowitz and Walter Redinger at Venice Biennale]
Part of Gershon Iskowitz fonds
Video cassette labeled: Gerard M. Jennings
Fonds consists of personal and professional records of Gershon Iskowitz, including photographic documentation of his family and early life, self and studio, and works of art; publicity material including newspaper clippings about his career; personal artefacts such as identity documents; a small amount of personal correspondence; and a condolence book signed at his memorial service.
Contains series:
Iskowitz, Gershon