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Vale, Florence
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Video documentary on Florence Vale

Series comprises video tape from the TVOntario series “Education of Mike McManus” of program on Florence Vale Franck entitled “No Time for Aging”. Video is on ¾” cassette from 1977. Series also includes two documents that accompanied the cassette, including a video tape technical evaluation and letter of agreement to Mr. McLennan of the Albert Franck – Florence Vale Project from The Ontario Education Communications Authority providing permission for a copy of the cassette and conditions of use.

Vale, Florence

Artist’s bookworks

Series comprises records related to published books of illustrated verse by Florence Vale

Vale, Florence

Poems by Florence Vale and others

Series comprises sheets of paper with poems by Florence Vale, by Florence Vale and others, or by other people given to Florence Vale. Some of the poems have handwritten notations marking them.

Vale, Florence


Series comprises photographs of Florence Vale along with friends, family, and gallery visitors. Series also includes the negatives and slides of photographs that were kept with the photographs of Florence Vale.

Vale, Florence


Series comprises various letters to Florence Vale from family, friends, galleries, and various institutions. Also included in the series are draft letters by Florence Vale and Florence Vale’s mailing list.

Vale, Florence

Publicity Materials

Series comprises gallery documents, magazines, and newspaper clippings. Series includes gallery notices of exhibition acceptances of Florence Vale’s and Albert Franck’s art and gallery exhibition catalogues, pamphlets, and invitations. Series includes a list of exhibitions in which Florence Vale’s artwork was displayed. Series includes magazines saved by Florence Vale that include mentions of her and/or Albert Franck. Magazines have handwritten notations providing location of mentions and articles. Series also includes newspaper clippings of articles and illustrative material about Florence Vale and/or Albert Franck. Series includes invitation and letters to Florence Vale about her attendance and speech (speech notes included) at the Symposium of Canadian Artists.

Vale, Florence


Series consists of 3 handmade hooked rugs by Florence Vale.

Vale, Florence

Documentation of Artwork

Series consists of photographs, copies, and print reproductions of Florence Vale’s artwork. Series includes slides of artwork kept by Florence Vale. Series includes a list of the artworks of Florence Vale, and documentation of artwork sales and transfers of possession.

Vale, Florence

Results 1 to 10 of 11