Fonds consists of personal and professional records created by Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani and their families, chiefly in Europe, North Africa, and Canada, for the most part between ca. 1910 and 1955, comprising photographs of Gilbert Bagnani's travels and archaeological work in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Libya and Egypt in the 1920s and 1930s; a motion picture of his activities in and around Tebtunis in Egypt in 1934; correspondence between the Bagnanis themselves, Gilbert Bagnani's mother Florence Bagnani and other family members; photos of the families of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani, including 19th-century photo portraits of their Dewar, Houston, and Robinson relatives; a collection of copy prints and glass slides of art and antiquities used by Dr. Bagnani in his university teaching; audio recordings of Dr. Bagnani lecturing; albums of clippings and memorabilia of family and social events; miscellaneous printed, typescript and manuscript items; photos of the Bagnanis at Trent University in the 1980s; an album of postage stamps; and other material.
Contains series:
- Correspondence
- Family photographs
- Archaeological and travel photographs
- Art history images
- Albums and scrapbooks
- Miscellaneous records