Barbara Astman fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
LA.SC123.S5.f11 [OCAD thesis student work: Sabrina Russo and Brooke Manning] File 2007-2009
LA.SC123.S5.f14 [Photocopy Lift Transfers] File [199-]-[201-]
LA.SC123.S5.f18 Transparent Image Tape Transfer Tutorial File 2005-2020
LA.SC123.S5.f19 [Teaching Samples] File [1970]-[2021]
LA.SC123.S5.f20 Heat Transfers File [1970]-[2021]
LA.SC123.S5.f23 [Image Transfer Samples] File [1970]-[2021]
LA.SC123.S5.f25 [Fabric Printing] File [201-?]
LA.SC123.S5.f41 Matte Medium Lift File 1995
LA.SC123.S5.f48 [Instructional Documents - Historical Processes] File ca. 2003?
LA.SC123.S5.f50 Breaking the Rules: A Photo Media Cookbook File 1992
Results 51 to 60 of 782