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2006 accrual

Series consists of drawings in black ink, marker and graphite studies that document John Boyle’s earliest work as an artist, as well as a photograph and 5 watercolours. The ink/marker drawings were executed on finger-painting paper, material at hand from his job as an elementary teacher.

Boyle, John B.

7th Heaven posters

Series consists of posters created by Will Munro for his “7th Heaven” series of events, 2006-2008.

Munro, Will

Adjunct art works

Series consists of multiples, preparatory works, prints and decorative art items in several media by John Boyle.

Boyle, John B.

Administration files

Series comprises material related to running the gallery and includes legal documents, leases, ANNPAC information, corporate seal and address stamp, floor plans, promotional material, art rental information, gallery log books, gallery attendant’s manual, grants related to administration, and membership information. Arrangement is alphabetical by file title with the exception of the corporate seal and address stamp which are housed separately in the final box of the series.

Workscene Gallery

Administration of the collection files

Series consists of correspondence, invoices from shippers and photographers, customs and shipping forms, insurance policies with accompanying lists of art works, and index cards containing descriptions of works in the collection. Also included is a card catalogue of reference books. Index cards were originally housed in metal boxes. Files have been grouped by subject.

Abramov, Ayala Zacks

Administration records

Series comprises records related to the running of the gallery and includes artist biographies, price lists, sample forms and statements, materials used to determine insurance values and some correspondence. Within the administrative records, separate files were maintained for some artists including price lists, statements of works sold and other administrative documents. The administrative files related to individual artists and the artist biographies are grouped together at the end of the series.

Gallery Moos

Administrative files

Series is comprised of material pertaining to the operations and management of Baldwin Street Gallery, including newsletters and flyers, the sale of photographic equipment, publicity and press materials, grant applications, teaching courses and workshops, and research materials for projects undertaken by members of the Gallery examining sexism in the photography industry and promoting the work of historical and contemporary women photographers.

Administrative records

Series comprises records of the management of the Pollock Gallery during various periods of its activity
between 1967 and 1982, including records of transactions with clients and other art galleries; financial
records; files on works of art consigned to the gallery for exhibition and sale by artists, or for resale by
collectors; records of consignment of works to rental services of art museums; accounting for art gallery
purchases from art dealers and artists; and related material.

Pollock Gallery (Toronto, Ont.)

Results 1 to 10 of 335