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Thomas Roche Lee collection

  • LA.SC014
  • Fonds
  • 1870-1957

The collection consists of Lee’s files on a number of Canadian visual artists, art associations and related individuals. File contents vary but typically contain material such as correspondence, essays, photographs, sketches, watercolour paintings, press clippings and printed ephemera. File titles are as follows: Arts and Letters Club; Brooker, Bertram R. (1888-1955); Challener, F.S. (1869-1959); Colgate, William (1882-1971); Delfosse, Georges (1869-1954); Dyonnet, Edmond (1859-1954); Forbes, Kenneth (1894-1980); Fowler, Daniel (1810-1894); Fraser, John A. (1838-1898); Girard, Rodolph; Grier, E. Wyly (1862-1957); Howard, A.H. (1854-1916); Huntley, Walter E. (1887-1931); Jackson, A. Y. (1882-1974); Jacobi, Otto R. (1812-1901); Jefferys, Charles W. (1869-1951); Johnston, R.E. (1885-1933); Kane, Paul (1810-1871); Kelly, John D. (1862-1958); Laberge, Albert; Lismer, Arthur (1885-1969); MacDonald, Grant (1909-1987); Millard, Charles S. (1837-1917); Ontario Society of Artists; Ottawa; National Gallery of Canada; Peel, Paul (1860-1892); Reid, George Agnew (1860-1947); Rolph, G.G. (Rolph, Clark and Stone Ltd.); Royal Canadian Academy of Arts; Rozaire, Arthur D. (1879-1922); Russell, Gilborne; Signatures of Artists; Spooner, James; Thomson, Tom (1877-1917); Toronto. National Portrait Gallery; Wickenden, Robert (1861-1931). Arranged alphabetically according to subject by T.R. Lee.

Lee, Thomas Roche

George Agnew Reid fonds

  • LA.SC010
  • Fonds
  • [188-]-1947

Fonds consists of two scrapbooks containing material created and collected throughout George Reid’s life and were compiled by him in the late 1930’s. Volume I, 500 pages, contains photographs and notes on the Reid family; drawings, sketches, etc., as well as press clippings and exhibition catalogues relating to works of art by Reid and his first wife, Mary Hiester Reid. The 131 pages of Volume II are devoted to designs for buildings and their interior fittings, including summer homes and a church at Onteora, New York, houses in Wychwood Park (Toronto) including the Reid house, and Ontario College of Art designs. Materials include drawings in pencil, pastel and ink, watercolour sketches, small oil paintings, blueprints, photographs, postcards, letters, texts of speeches, letters, awards and material clipped from magazines and newspapers.

Reid, G.A. (George Agnew)

Master Print and Drawing Society of Ontario fonds

  • LA.SC068
  • Fonds
  • 1985-1998

The fonds consists of correspondence, reports, minutes, and other materials relating to the administrative activities of the Society. It also contains photograph albums documenting the travels of the MPDSO to various European and North American destinations, 1987-1999. The fonds is divided into four series corresponding to each Presidential term of office, plus a series of photograph albums. Fonds is comprised of the following series: 1. Sidney Bregman files 2. Martin Kosoy files 3. Jack Markens files 4. Mary F. Williamson files 5. Photograph albums

Master Print and Drawing Society of Ontario

Anna Belle Wing Kindlund fonds

  • LA.SC096
  • Fonds
  • 1895

Fonds consists of a notebook commenced by Anna Belle Wing Kindlund in 1895, in which she recorded information on works of art and architectural monuments (chiefly European), with thumbnail-sized albumen prints of many of the items and occasional ink sketches. The notebook has alphabetical index tabs, and its entries are alphabetical according to city. The inscription on the frontispiece reads “Anna Belle Wing-B.S. ‘95”. The fonds is arranged in a single series.

Kindlund, Anna Belle Wing

Geary family fonds

  • LA.SC098
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1933

Fonds consists of a household inventory of antique furniture, china, art, coins, military artifacts, geological and natural history specimens, rare books and family documents owned by Robert William Geary and family of Niagara Falls, Ontario. The inventory was commenced by Geary on January 24, 1913 and annotated by him until 1933.

Geary, R. W. (Robert W.)

J. Loxton Rawbon fonds

  • LA.SC099
  • Fonds
  • [187-]-1942

Fonds includes an album (disbound) containing 45 photographs of paintings and prints restored by Rawbon, with a typed description of the "Rawbon Process" signed and dated, 1921. Collectors and collections mentioned include: Elliott W. Atkins, Toronto; Hôtel Dieu, Kingston; Major Kenneth C. Macpherson, Ottawa; Col. W. O’Brien, Shanty Bay; D.A. Story, Halifax; R.E. Cooper, Victoria; A.J. Gough, Toronto; C.S. Gzowski, Toronto; Mrs. John Small, Toronto; Henry O’Brien, K.C., Toronto; Walker House, Toronto. Fonds also includes a notebook containing a list of “Canadian Artists: Members of the Royal Canadian Academy and The Ontario Society of Artists”, September 1922. The back pages of the notebook contain records of sales of “Oxford” and “Lusterize” polish formulas, and of free sample canvas stretchers sent out to clients. Fonds also includes 14 prizes and diplomas won in art and photography competitions at fairs in southern Ontario (1874-1887); 2 photographs of J. Loxton Rawbon; notes on art restoration methods; correspondence and testimonials; and press clippings related to Rawbon’s career.

Rawbon, J. Loxton

Doris McCarthy-Lora Carney collection

  • LA.SC108
  • Fonds
  • [19--]-2005

Collection consists of the research files kept by Doris McCarthy and Lora Carney, including exhibition notices, press releases and invitations, photocopied articles, hand-written sheets containing references and notes, a few slides and photographs, some personal correspondence, 2 theses, and a binder of copied material relating to Ann Davis’ book on Christiane Pflug. The Rae Simone file contains 12 black & white photographs, the Carolyne Dukes file contains 10 slides, and the Marian Scott file contains a signed letter and transcript of an interview with Doris McCarthy. The files were kept for the purpose of publishing a book on Canadian women artists and cover artists from across the country from the 19th century to the early 21st century. There are files on a few male artists integrated into the sequence, added by Prof. Carney. Exhibition catalogues have been removed and integrated into the library collection. A list of these catalogues is available. A list of the original file names is also available. The collection is arranged in a single series by artists’ last names, preceded by a few geographical files, arranged by province. Files containing only one or two records have been combined by the archivist in a ‘miscellaneous’ file for each letter of the alphabet.

McCarthy, Doris

J.S. McLean fonds

  • LA.SC048
  • Fonds
  • 1936-1956

Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs and other material related to the J.S. McLean Collection (including the Canada Packers collection) and to J.S. McLean’s position as a vice-president of the Art Gallery of Toronto. Fonds is comprised of the following series: J.S. McLean Collection documentation Photographs Tom Thomson sketches correspondence Art Gallery of Toronto papers

McLean, James Stanley

Jack Chambers fonds

  • LA.SC055
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1920]-1991, predominant 1961-1978

Fonds consists of drawings and sketchbooks, working notes and storyboards for Chambers’ films, aesthetic and philosophical writings, source photographs for artworks, personal photographs and objects, professional correspondence, transcriptions of interviews with the artist, critical reviews, material relating to posthumous exhibitions, financial records, personal correspondence on the artist’s health problems, files relating to Canadian Artists’ Representation, works by other artists, and a collection of books. Fonds consists of the following series: Correspondence Interview transcriptions Publicity material Critical articles Exhibition files Grant applications Canadian Artists’ Representation files Financial records Jack Chambers Memorial Foundation files Signatures of the artist Film projects Writings “Red and Green” manuscript Miscellaneous Personal effects Secondary school records Honours Drawings and sketchbooks Works by other artists Photographs and secondary images Secondary publications

Chambers, Jack

A.H. Howard fonds

  • LA.SC115
  • Fonds
  • 1880-1914

Fonds consists of drawings, watercolours and designs of A. H. Howard produced in Toronto between 1880 and 1914, especially in the sketchbooks in which Howard drew Ontario landscapes and towns, flowers, trees, human figures, factory interiors and other subjects. Similar drawings and watercolours are contained in two albums and a portfolio. Also included are examples of his decorative and calligraphic work from illuminated presentation addresses, certificates, bookplates and other materials.
Contains series:

  1. Portfolio and albums
  2. Sketchbooks
  3. Decorative designs and drawings

Howard, Alfred Harold

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