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" Artists with their Work" Program - AGO
" Artists with their Work" Program - AGO
Expenses Receipts
Expenses Receipts
!! Order & Control
!! Order & Control
“A Good Home” for the Ross R. Scott Bequest (Fall 2011) Isadore Sharp Gallery
“A Good Home” for the Ross R. Scott Bequest (Fall 2011) Isadore Sharp Gallery
1). 14 years. Flat corrugated board puppet, 1939-40. 2-3) Sawdust & paste French Canadian rod puppets developed from East India rod puppets. 1937. 4) German - sawdust & paste puppet, 1939.
1). 14 years. Flat corrugated board puppet, 1939-40. 2-3) Sawdust & paste French Canadian rod puppets developed from East India rod puppets. 1937. 4) German - sawdust & paste puppet, 1939.
1. 50 ¢ Lottery - Initial Planning
1. 50 ¢ Lottery - Initial Planning
1. Initial Proposal For Lottery
1. Initial Proposal For Lottery
1. Kaleidago Committee Membership List
1. Kaleidago Committee Membership List
1. Lottery 3 - Inception
1. Lottery 3 - Inception
1. Minutes of Meeting
1. Minutes of Meeting
Results 1 to 10 of 29543