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AGO Photographs Collection

  • LA.AGOR010
  • Collection
  • 1835 - 2014

Collection contains photographs of the Art Gallery of Ontario and its programs, exhibitions, building, staff, volunteers, and donors. Contents include photographs of exhibitions (called installation photographs) and exhibition openings, programs at the gallery school, staff photographs, and photographs of the building and grounds.

Coverage is most complete after the establishment of the Photographic Services department in 1973.

Art Gallery of Ontario

AGO Posters Collection

  • LA.AGOR026
  • Collection
  • 1915-2015, pred. 1966-2005

Collection contains posters for AGO exhibitions, events, and programs.

Art Gallery of Ontario

Anita Aarons collection

  • LA.SC156
  • Collection
  • 1970s-1980s

Collection consists of audio recordings of interviews carried out by Anita Aarons with a number of Canadian art world figures active in the 1970s and 1980s, including Ron Bloore, Graham Coughtry, Dorothy Cameron, Guido Molinari, Yves Gaucher, Ted Bieler, Gordon Rayner, Jack Pollock, Joyce Wieland, Harold Town and William Ronald.

Aarons, Anita

Art Gallery of Ontario biographical questionnaires collection

  • LA.SC027
  • Collection
  • 1912-1984

The Art Gallery of Ontario Biographical Questionnaires Collection consists of written responses to forms requesting factual information pertaining to the careers of 372 Canadian artists. The Collection consists of printed forms that have been completed and signed by Canadian artists between 1912 and 1979 and a group of 24 responses to questions posed by AGO staff in 1984. The final group is concerned more with the nature of the artist’s work rather than factual and biographical information. The earliest forms were one page in length; basic information regarding birth date, education, exhibitions, awards, publications and a signature was requested. Forms sent out in the 1970’s are two pages; the 1980’s files consist of lengthy responses in essay format to 7 or 8 questions. Two of the artists from the final group submitted audio tapes that have been transcribed. An alphabetical listing of artists can be found in the administration file. Forms were completed in the following years (numbers in parentheses indicate the number of forms completed for a given year): 1912 (69); 1913 (43); 1914 (20); 1915 (16); 1916 (9); 1917 (7); 1918 (17); 1919 (6); 1921 (1); 1922 (1); 1923 (47); 1924 (22); 1925 (23); 1927 (34); 1928 (3); 1929 (1); 1930 (1); 1945 (1); 1974 (3); 1976 (1); 1979 (1); 1984 (24). Fonds is comprised of the following series: 1. Biographical questionnaires 1912-1979 2. Toronto Painting ’84 questionnaires

Art Gallery of Ontario. Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives

Canadian Art Magazine collection

  • LA.SC178
  • Collection
  • 1943-2019

Collection consists of a nearly complete run of Canadian Art Magazine, including issues of Maritime Art and artscanada, 1943-2019.

Canadian Art Foundation

Canadian bookplate collection

  • LA.SC020
  • Collection
  • 1800s-2000s

Collection consists of ornamented and illustrated bookplates accumulated by the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) Library and Archives beginning in 1969. In that year, AGO librarian Sybille Pantazzi acquired the first group of items now included in the collection, and added to it in 1975 and 1978. The Library and Archives continues to augment the collection.
The bookplates in the collection were chiefly designed for Canadian book collectors, libraries and associations by Canadian, American and other artists from the 19th century to the present day. The collection includes armorial, presentation and other bookplates and 1 leaflet, and comprises various forms of prints such as engravings, etchings and woodcuts. Most of the bookplates have not been used.

Art Gallery of Ontario. Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives

Christine Boyanoski-W.J. Wood collection

  • LA.SC030
  • Collection
  • 1905-1953

Collection consists of photocopies of W.J. Wood’s correspondence with Group of Seven members and others. Collection also includes photocopies of poems by Wood, exhibition-related records, and selected summaries and transcriptions of correspondence. Material comprising this collection was gathered by curator Christine Boyanoski in the course of her research toward the exhibition William J. Wood: Graphics and Drawings (Art Gallery of Ontario, 1983). The collection is arranged in a single series, in which file titles correspond to sections in Boyanoski’s binders.

Boyanoski, Christine

David Silcox-David Milne collection

  • LA.SC078
  • Collection
  • 1953-1998, predominant 1980-1998

Collection consists of David Milne Project administrative records created chiefly in the 1980s and 1990s in the Project office at Massey College in the University of Toronto for the purpose of producing a catalogue raisonné of the paintings of Canadian artist David Brown Milne (1882-1953). Collection also includes photocopied materials assembled for researching the artist’s life and works for a biography of Milne (1996) by David Silcox and the catalogue raisonné (1998) by his son David Milne Jr and David Silcox. The activity of the Milne Project ceased after the publication of the catalogue raisonné in 1998.
Milne Project administrative records (series 1 and series 21-40) document the steps taken in developing the catalogue raisonné. They begin in the late 1970s and include research forms created to organize and record data on Milne’s paintings for the two-volume work, files of correspondence, fundraising, financial, editorial/production, book launch, and marketing/publicity materials, some on computer disks; and records of Milne researcher Blodwen Davies.
Research material (series 2 to series 20) consists of photocopies made chiefly in the 1980s of primary sources such as David Brown Milne’s correspondence, essays, diary, autobiography and similar records from Library and Archives Canada, Milne Family records and other sources, and includes photocopied lists of paintings, records of the Picture Loan Society in Toronto and other art dealers and institutions relating to the sale and exhibition of Milne paintings; photocopied clippings from newspapers and magazines; and transcripts of recollections and interviews provided by David Brown Milne’s relatives and contemporaries.

Milne, David

Donald Gillies - Dennis Burton collection

  • LA.SC175
  • Collection
  • 1960-2003

Collection consists of correspondence received by Gillies from Burton over the course of their friendship, including a few informal treatises written by Burton on various aspects of the visual arts. It includes two collage works by Burton.

Gillies, Donald J.

Donald W. Buchanan-James Wilson Morrice collection

  • LA.SC056
  • Collection
  • 1924-1968

Collection consists of letters solicited by Donald Buchanan for his study James Wilson Morrice: a biography (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1936). Correspondents include Léa Cadoret, W. Somerset Maugham, Gerald Faustus Kelly, Charles Prendergast, Elizabeth R. Pennell, Clive Bell, Walter Pach, David Morrice, Pavel Ettinger and Henri Matisse. Also included are a photograph of Morrice, a postcard from him to William Brymner, and photographs of three of his works.

Buchanan, Donald W. (Donald William)

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