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Illy Gepe-Florence Wyle Collection

  • LA.SC150
  • Collection
  • [188-]–1987

Collection consists of an album of photographs of Florence Wyle’s sculptures; photos of Wyle, Illy Gepe, Frances Loring, and others; unattached photos and postcards of sculptures; a sketchbook; newspaper articles about Loring & Wyle; and other material.

Gepe, Illy

Canadian bookplate collection

  • LA.SC020
  • Collection
  • 1800s-2000s

Collection consists of ornamented and illustrated bookplates accumulated by the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) Library and Archives beginning in 1969. In that year, AGO librarian Sybille Pantazzi acquired the first group of items now included in the collection, and added to it in 1975 and 1978. The Library and Archives continues to augment the collection.
The bookplates in the collection were chiefly designed for Canadian book collectors, libraries and associations by Canadian, American and other artists from the 19th century to the present day. The collection includes armorial, presentation and other bookplates and 1 leaflet, and comprises various forms of prints such as engravings, etchings and woodcuts. Most of the bookplates have not been used.

Art Gallery of Ontario. Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives

AGO Photographs Collection

  • LA.AGOR010
  • Collection
  • 1835 - 2014

Collection contains photographs of the Art Gallery of Ontario and its programs, exhibitions, building, staff, volunteers, and donors. Contents include photographs of exhibitions (called installation photographs) and exhibition openings, programs at the gallery school, staff photographs, and photographs of the building and grounds.

Coverage is most complete after the establishment of the Photographic Services department in 1973.

Art Gallery of Ontario

Emily Elliott collection

  • LA.SC004
  • Collection
  • 1861-1925

Collection consists of illustrations clipped from fashion magazines, general-interest periodicals, children’s
picture books and other illustrated books, bringing together the work of over 275 illustrators published
between the 1860s and the 1920s, chiefly in the United States, Britain and Canada.
Fashion magazine covers in series 1 featuring imaginative and extravagant costumes are full colour
lithographs, as are most of the sheets in series 4 (Illustrations from publications for children). Illustrations
in series 2 (Book and magazine illustrations) are largely achromatic images depicting events in fictional
and poetic works, and include printed black-and-white wood engravings. Many folders contain a single
sheet of illustration by one artist, while series 3 (Gustave Doré illustrations) consists of more than two
hundred published wood engravings by prolific French artist Gustave Doré. The collection of over 3000
items offers a perspective on the era of illustration by graphic artists before it was largely superseded
(except in children’s literature) by photography.

Elliott, Emily Louise (Orr)

Photographs of Canadian art collection

  • LA.SC039
  • Collection
  • [189-?]–1985

Collection consists of a single series of copy prints (of paintings, drawings and prints), and photos of sculptures and other works of art and architecture, chiefly by 19th- and 20th-century Canadian artists and architects, arranged in alphabetical order by surname, with photos of works by unknown artists at the end of the series. The collection comprises 646 artists and architects, and includes some reproductions of works of art, chiefly clippings. Many of the works of art reproduced in the photographs are in the permanent collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Art Gallery of Ontario. Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives

Photographs of Canadian artists collection

  • LA.SC024
  • Collection
  • [189-]-ca.2000

Collection comprises photographic prints submitted with replies to biographical questionnaires sent by the AGO to Canadian artists between 1912 and 1984. The collection was augmented with 239 photographs purchased from Toronto photographer M.O. Hammond (1876–1934) between 1927 and 1934. Collection also includes photos and copy prints obtained in connection with Gallery exhibitions and photos acquired by other Gallery departments, with news photographs and reproductions of photos from agencies and other institutions. Photos were added to the collection up to the end of the 1990s.
The photographic prints in the collection are chiefly gelatin silver prints but also include chromogenic colour prints, diffusion transfer prints and photos produced by other processes. The collection includes images of 598 artists in studio portraits and snapshots, at exhibition openings and in their studios, and in group photos. Some photographs are annotated with biographical details on verso or in accompanying textual records.

Art Gallery of Ontario. Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives

Illustrated maps collection

  • LA.SC161
  • Collection
  • [19--]

Collection consists of commercially printed maps designed by illustrators Stanley F. Turner, Jerrine Wells Kinton and Ernest Dudley Chase.

Turner, Stanley F.

Christine Boyanoski-W.J. Wood collection

  • LA.SC030
  • Collection
  • 1905-1953

Collection consists of photocopies of W.J. Wood’s correspondence with Group of Seven members and others. Collection also includes photocopies of poems by Wood, exhibition-related records, and selected summaries and transcriptions of correspondence. Material comprising this collection was gathered by curator Christine Boyanoski in the course of her research toward the exhibition William J. Wood: Graphics and Drawings (Art Gallery of Ontario, 1983). The collection is arranged in a single series, in which file titles correspond to sections in Boyanoski’s binders.

Boyanoski, Christine

M.O. Hammond collection

  • LA.SC032
  • Collection
  • 1905-[192-]

Collection consists of early-20th-century photographs of Canadian historical figures and Canadian public monuments taken by M.O. Hammond and others. Portrait photograph subjects include Canadian poets Bliss Carman and Charles G.D. Roberts and artists Walter S. Allward, E.J. Dinsmore and Charles Eduard Huot. The collection also includes a copy print of a drawing of the first director of the National Gallery of Canada and studio portraits from 1905 of Canadan prime minister Robert Laird Borden and his wife Laura Borden. The memorials photographed are chiefly by British-Canadian sculptor Alfred Howell, with a photo of a statue of a soldier by Emanuel Hahn. Some photographs in the collection are by M.O. Hammond and the studio portraits are credited to Pittaway Studio (Ottawa).

Hammond, M.O. (Melvin Ormond)

Sybille Pantazzi book jacket collection

  • LA.SC019
  • Collection
  • 1912-1979

Collection contains book jackets, grouped into geographical categories. Also included is a published exhibition catalogue. Dates have been provided by Sybille Pantazzi and are written in pencil on the verso. Attribution is based on a designation on one of the jacket flaps, on a signature within the illustration, and occasionally on stylistic analysis.

Pantazzi, Sybille

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